Yes he was justified, if a nation attacks you, and you have a bunch of them living here, what else could you expect than some of them would join in for the enemy, their own country, and do things like sabotage. You would try to sort them out, good guys from bad, but in the sudden emergency of this war, you have to take big, hard, steps first, then only later get to the sorting of it all out. Japan would have been prudent to pull its citizens out of America before bombing it. That was their foreseeable responsibility. It is they who failed their people.…
Was the United States justified or unjustified for dropping the bomb on the Japanese? There are many arguments, point of views and sides to this topic but I personally think that the US was justified for dropping the bomb on Japan. I think this because Japan refused to surrender, the war ended faster; and Japan had bombed the US first, Pearl Harbor ring a bell?…
I believe that American intervention overseas was justified. World War I was not the first intervention overseas for America. In 1898, the Spanish-American War began. While some people believe that the United States should have never gotten involved with the combat, others believe that…
The consequences from the Iraq War resulted with 2,500 American deaths, tens of thousands of death of Iraqis many being civilians, humanitarian crisis, political and economic negative consequences, etc. President Bush’s reason to invade Iraq was to spread liberty around the world and to make world peace. After researching, many people do not truly do not think we had a legitimate enough reason to invade Iraq. I believe this goes back to the mentality America has of overthrowing foreign governments for ideological, political, and economic reasons. In my opinion, the Iraq War was the most compelling case for his argument of long term failure.…
Up to this point in time,we will always recall on of the most treacherous of events that,we've all come to know as 9/11.During this attack against our people ,two planes were hijacked and crashed intentionally,into the world trade center towers and,a third plane was hijacked but,thanks to the valiant passengers on board,did not reach it's destination instead,led to many tragic but gallant deaths. The U.S. responds by seeking means for the invasion of Iraq which,could cost the worldwide peace many have hoped for,away. On the other hand, much speculation from the general public arises,some from grieving individuals,who,beg for re-consideration because revenge as the price for their lost loved ones isn't a consolation. Americans question the government's…
America 's entry to the Vietnam war was slow, but it soon became one of the bloodiest wars the country had ever seen. Troops were being deployed and lives were lost for reasons many found unclear. The war 's roots first started to develop in 1950 when the French, who were fighting for control of Indochina, began to deny the Vietnamese the privileges they were promised in exchange for French intervention. The Viet Minh, a communist group that fought control by the French and Japanese, were engaged in the First Indochina War against the French until 1954 when the French were defeated (Hillstorm, 1-2). Ho Chi Minh and his forces saw this as an opportunity to enforce communist rule throughout the entire country.…
The United States has quickly started and joined military conflicts across the globe, often without truly evaluating the need or cost of the conflicts. A sad and major example of this was the justification of the invasion of Iraq. The Bush administration was adamant in its belief that Saddam Hussein was in possession…
Was the United States justified in its policy of keeping Japanese Americans in internment camps during World War II ? The United States main reason for moving Japanese Americans into camps was out of fear. When the Japanese bombed the Pearl Harbor it caught the United States off guard. After their attack, the United was thrown into the war in full effect. During this time it was a great fear of another American soil attack, but this time they believed it would be within the United States.…
People usually don't like to bring out the past of the United States and how it was founded. Most of the time we could Imagine stuff like; Thanks Giving taking place, Christopher Columbus, or freedom . The thing is that we all like to forget how our nation was founded and expanded. If someone so prideful of America was telling you how we sailed to America. What would be the chances they would go into much detail about how we killed, and shoved Indians out of their own land?…
Our fine state, Kentucky, is a border between the North and the South. We must prevent our land from becoming a war zone. We have family and friends to think about. It is our job to make sure they are safe and protected. In order to prevent a war-ridden Kentucky, we must not secede from the Union but stay and protect our families from devastation.…
Many people thought that it is not right to interfere with the politics of the other countries. Some thought that there is no other way. There was a large difference between the Gulf War and the US - Iraq war. In the first case, there was a common consent of the world leaders; everyone wanted to help Kuwait and condemned Iraq 's actions.…
They went from $16 billion in 2002 to more than $43 billion in 2011. According to U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, roughly 3.1 million Americans entered military service between 2001 and 2011, and nearly 2 million were deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq. In that time, more than 6,000 American troops have been killed, and roughly 44,000 wounded. We invaded them because they were suspects of the attacks that were done on September 11, 2001. The United States has changed in so many ways since the horrible attack happened.…
The U.S. has been attacked by a numerous amounts of countries, but none like this one. The U.S. was attacked in the year of 2001, a year that no one can forget. After we decided what to do we went for it and succeeded. The U.S. should’ve attacked Iraq because, they had weapons of mass destruction, they were the central base of terror and we needed to take them out, and we needed to remove Osama bin Laden. To begin with, they had Weapons of Mass Destruction.…
The Gulf War What was the Gulf War? Why was it important? Why was the U.S. apart of it? All of these questions will be answered throughout this paper, so just sit back and enjoy as you read a part of our history, and how Don Snow was during this time, and what he learned.…
Comparison Between Iraq and the U.S.A Do you know? The university professor of Iraq earns $9.600 a year while the professor of the U.S.A earns $98.974 yearly. The comparison between any two countries can be different. But for Iraq, which went through many changes since 2003 war, must of these changes were deterioration changes .Iraq is the land between the two rivers, and it is the cradle of civilization.…