Va Health Care Case Study

Superior Essays
Once Congress and the Secretary (with competent accountants) mull over the needs of the VA health system, the money woes should be figured out satisfactory. Only through accessing a problem with both the parties supplying the money and those spending the money can a mismanagement of funds be settled. This also has the added benefit of justification of expenses and should prove that funding should not be reduce for the sake of those who risked their lives to fight for and defend this country.
Inadequate scheduling is not just a problem for the VA, but any of the government related healthcare systems. Trying to do more with less is fine for a corporate paper pusher with no real consequences, but when you are risking the lives of countless numbers
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Is there a chance of any of these ideas making their way to the halls of Congress and VA headquarters for serious consideration, chances are no, but they are ideas that should occur to those in the position to make these changes. Not all of the estimated 21,854,007 veterans in the U.S. receive VA healthcare benefits. The way Congress has attacked the program since its early infancy you would think so. VA healthcare is just a miniscule amount of the budget; the logic to fight to cut it or simply get rid of it makes no sense. Given the similar reforms that happened in the middle 1990s, the VA healthcare system can be great once again. The veteran’s from the first Iraqi conflict, the second Iraqi conflict, and the Afghanistan conflict need the medical help offered by the VA. Many of these veterans find it difficult to find steady employment and are unable to secure insurance. This is the only healthcare many veterans receive. To have this program taken away by Congress, people who probably never served. It would be interesting to see how many senators on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee have served, and if not, would they be interested in spending a day with a veteran that has been permanently injured in war and receiving treatment at a VA hospital. Would they continue to push for cuts to its budget? Would they be sympathetic and try and see what more they could do? Would they walk away feeling the same as they did when they walked in? Would they continue to be the selfish senator from Anywhere, USA and deny a person that fought for your freedom the simple right for healthcare they cannot afford? Senators can visit the war tore areas of combat and

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