Struggles Of Veterans Essay

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Is the government really granting veterans the health care and resources they need in order to survive once they arrive to their home land? Do you think that maybe just maybe the government focuses way too much attention towards funding the military instead of troops that have returned with some kind of disability or mental issue? I believe that the government is making a huge mistake on how they are granting health care towards a big group of individuals who fought for our country and for them not to be able to receive the proper care is a disgrace. These veterans should be established the best of care just for the simple fact that they have fought for our freedom and have gone through tough situations, which could be death related. The government as well does not offer enough devotion towards the veterans’ health care because they do not know what soldiers go though, therefore government officials believe that there is probably nothing erroneous with returning veterans. Salamon states that “The wounds of war can go far beyond what meets the eye. From mental health issues to pain and illness that persist long after they've left the battlefield, veterans face a multitude of health troubles either unique to their service or more frequent among them than the general population.” (par.1). These individuals have a really rigid time getting back to the routine that their life had, it takes a lot of care and period you could say to get used to a “standard” life once again. One major thing that these issues affect are families. Sometimes family members do not know how to act upon the situation that their fallen soldier goes through on an everyday basis. It is quite impossible for family member to be able to help their returning veteran without any professional or proper help. For specific issues, there needs to be services that only treat one specific issue, and not a general issue. Regarding to what Salamon said, there are a few veteran health care services, but those services to not specify serious problems that soldiers face during and after the war. Instead the services are very broad and treat whatever they might think the problem is. According …show more content…
This will help better themselves and benefit their families as well because they will get proper information on how to act upon a certain situation that they later on may encounter. This also benefits families because they will be aware on what specifically is going on with the returning soldier. Upon returning to their communities, soldiers formerly associated with armed forces and groups almost always confront significant community stigma. Much research on the struggles of veterans has focused on exposure to past-war related violent and mental outcomes as stated above, yet no specific work has been made to examine the role that stigma plays in shaping long-term psychosocial adjustment. The role of stigma in the relationship between war-related experiences and psychosocial adjustment, for example depression, anxiety, hostility, and adaptive behaviors. Soldiers differ from one another with regard to their post-war experiences and profoundly shape their psychosocial adjustment over time. Furthermore, discrimination is inversely associated with family and community acceptance because they do not realize what soldiers have gone through and how difficult it is to adapt to a new

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