If a state chooses to not accept the federal funds for these purposes, it does not have to implement the act. These grants are managed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD requires that communities submit a single application to be considered for the federal funding coming from the McKinney -Vento Homeless Assistance Grants. HUD allocates the grants to Continuums of Care (CoCs). According to HUD, a CoC is a regional or local planning body that coordinates housing and facilitates funding for homeless families and individuals (https://www.hudexchange.info/coc. CoCs represent communities of all kinds, including cities, suburbs and rural areas. HUD guidelines require that a CoC must include action steps to end homelessness and prevent a return to homelessness. The four essential criteria of the continuum …show more content…
The HUD-VASH program is a specific program intended to assist homeless veterans in obtaining housing through a partnership between HUD and the VA. The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV), funded through the McKinney-Vento Act, is awarded from HUD to the HUD-VASH program. The awards are based on geographic need and public housing agency (PHA) administrative performance. The allocation process for HUD-VASH vouchers is a collaborative approach that relies on three sets of data: HUD’s point-in-time data submitted by Continuums of Care (CoCs), VAMC data on the number of contacts with homeless Veterans, and performance data from PHAs and VAMCs. (Cite). Once the areas of the country which have the highest number of homeless Veterans is determined, the VA Central Office identifies VA facilities in those corresponding communities. HUD then selects PHAs close to the identified VA facilities, taking into consideration the PHAs’ administrative performance, and sends the PHAs invites to apply for the vouchers. Cunningham (2009) describes the program in detail to include federal funding streams, assessments for qualification, and whom the program has helped. The HUD-VASH program was originally implemented in 1992 and only provided a small number of vouchers to veterans. According to Cunningham (2009), in 2008 funding was increased by congress and the VA began providing the vouchers. The initial intent of the policy was to provide housing to