For my Advocacy report I chose to visit a Coalition group known as Inner Voice, Inc. The Inner Voice, Inc. was established in 1984 by Reverend Robert Johnson with the goal of delivering Chicago's homeless people with the necessary resources to become self-reliance. The Inner Voice incorporation provided overnight housing to individuals along with hot meals clothing and a safe haven. Founder Reverend Johnson believed people should be helped regardless of their situation and that individuals are worthy of support in finding housing in Chicago. This group has many different homeless shelters throughout Chicago and I decided to focus my report on their Homeless Veteran Shelter. The Eddie Beard …show more content…
The Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program (HVRP) helps veteran’s secure full-time employment and permanent housing. The program provides transportation assistance, vocational training, case management, and follow-up services to approximately 100 veterans each year. During my visit on October 21, 2014, I met with the Director of the Program by the name of Abdullah Hassan, along with retired veterans by the name of Billy Smith and Sims Jones. The Eddie Beard Vet House is located on the Chicago’s Westside, 2425 W Jackson Blvd Chicago, IL 60612. The veterans were my main contacts as they are the ones enduring the issues at hand such as lack of resources. One of the veterans suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress and he finds it hard from him to keep a job, which them he cannot keep an apartment. He stated that over the years the State has cut back on funding and he use to receive help for his stress disorder and now that has been cut. How can they cut programs that help veterans manage their stress, this seems very unethical after all these veterans have fought for our country. The other veteran suffers from disabilities which disables him from getting certain jobs. Although the