Homelessness Of American Veterans Essay

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Homelessness of American Veterans Homelessness of American Veterans has been a growing problem in our American communities. Roughly 130,000-200,000 veterans are homeless, making them represent ¼ of all homeless people. Veterans have served the country because they love it, or had to get away, whatever the reason they did it, no one should deny helping them. They come back from the warzone and are suddenly trapped in their own thoughts, causing PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), which can be treated but may also cause depression if not treated. Veterans may become homeless because of PTSD and not being able to keep a normal job, a physical injury, such as becoming paralyzed could also be a cause, or their family leaving them for several …show more content…
It can be hard for one to become calm, one can have nightmares about what has happened, or one may not want to go out of their home in fear of a flashback. For a soldier or a veteran having seeing someone being injured or dying, one may feel that the situation could have ended differently if one small detail had or had not happened. Having this feeling in the back of head every minute of every day could obviously have a lasting effect (PTSD). Say one had served for ten years as an Army Captain after receiving the promotion, along with the previous years, having jobs that required being in the thick of war, the simple jerk of a car after one slams on breaks could cause a flashback. Having a job where loud noises are constant or where being in danger is a possibly, that may cause someone to have a panic attack and no longer be able to work. Obviously therapy would be a good start for someone who has just come back from a warzone, whether it badly affected them or not. PTSD’s symptoms so not always affect one who has the disorder, but I can come and go (PTSD). But with therapy it could be treated, one may not be able to forget all that has happened in the past, but accepting it would be a good place to

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