Texas A&M University-Kingsville recently held an event called Rec’N Tech, promoting exercise and iTech services. The event was held in the Student Recreation Center and was extremely fun! They had several stations set up throughout the gym which included the following activities: Just Dance, a bean bag toss, around the world basketball, an iTech information table, running laps, Angry Birds, and a brains versus brawn test. Each event was worth a certain amount of points. Thus the more activities the student participated in, the more points they could accumulate.…
20 Years Ago El Paso High School in El Paso, Texas 8:30 a.m. It was an unusually chilly and foggy day for September in Texas. Millie got out of her white Aleko and grabbed her yellow knit sweater that was draped across the passenger seat. She was reaching for her backpack, which was in the back seat of her car, when the first bell rang. Millie raced across the parking lot, up the concrete steps, and pulled the heavy door to the rustic brick building open.…
The agency I am working for is the Virginia Department of Correction Probation and Parole District 19 located in Newport News, Virginia. The purpose of the agency is to promote public safety; the mission is enforced by providing offenders with positive reinforcements so they can live a crime free life. The agency hopes to achieve the mission by: investigation and assessment of the individual’s risk, detailed supervision plan, ample amounts of treatment and resources, lastly, appropriate sanctions as a result of noncompliance. The administrative structure of the Virginia Department of Corrections Probation and Parole consist of the Corrections Operations Director who is George Hinkle, following is the Administrator for Community Corrections, Marcus Elam, and then the Chief of Probation and Parole Erma Torrance.…
Before attending Gary Comer College Prep, I had no experience what so ever with college. Ever since my first day in ECS,Early Colliegate Scholars, class, I have begun to feel more prepared for college than I ever have before. Gary Comer ensures that it's students are prepared for college and not only college but to graduate college. Many of my friends that I speak to about the college process are behind, but foruntaley, I was able to attend Gary Comer College Prep and begin to learn what the EFC was before many students even figured out what they wanted to pursue in life.…
I think about white privilege all the time, it is hard not to when it is all around you. White privilege is a phrase that is being used a lot these days. I believe it is something that exists. In my opinion I think that white people get way more opportunities and much more of a free pass than those in the minority. The concept of privilege highlights the fact that systems of inequality like racism, sexism, homophobia, cissexism, classism, etc. are not just problems for those who are oppressed.…
Statement of Award Geico Life Scholarship “I guess it’s true what they say: if you wait long enough everything changes.” -Junot Diaz After my senior, I realize that an honor student surpasses the mere mastery of academic subjects.…
UC Santa Barbara By: Gabriel Medina 10/3/17 UC Santa Barbara is a leading research institution that provides a comprehensive liberal arts learning experience. Uc Santa Barbara has great cultural academic programs and its campus is internationally recognized and has won six nobel prizes on its facility. The school also introduces students to a novel ways of thinking, learning, and conducting research and has more than 200 degrees and credentials to choose from. The school, in addition to the many degrees and credentials,it’s students have to be full time participants in their educational journey that encourages individual thought, critical reasoning, and creativity.…
Middle Grades are probably the most difficult grades to get through for everyone. During this time of physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and moral development for these students learning about the history of Georgia is literally the last thing they think about, if they even really think about it at all. These students are some of the most difficult students to keep their attention focused on the subject matter at hand, unless of course we are discussing them, then and only then will the teacher get their full attention. During the observation assignment I noticed a few of the developmental theories that correlated with the five developmental stages of middle school students: Bronfenbrenner, Erikson, and Hall.…
It’s a excellent experience for us to study at UCSD. The trip broaden my view and change my perspective a lot on American culture and society. In the trip, I deeply feel that America is a country where people is hospitable. Another thing that impress me is that you should show your respect to people no matter what work he is doing. To some extent, part of the social custom and culture in San Diego is things we should learn.…
These experiences encourage student growth, character development and mimic real life situations. The effect diversity has on a campus is instrumental in setting the tone and culture for both its internal and external community. Culture is the “social fabric of community”, implying that as groups live and work together they develop distinctive “philosophies, ideologies, values, assumptions, beliefs,…
During the Georgia Bureau of Investigation field trip, our class was given the opportunity to experience what a day is like for a professional in the crime lab. That included the very ins and outs (no pun intended) of an autopsy. An autopsy is a surgical procedure that consists of a thorough examination of a corpse to determine the cause and manner of death and to evaluate any disease or injury that may be present, usually performed by a pathologist. As a class we learned many things by observing several autopsy procedures.…
On September 22, 2016, I completed my field placement observation in a middle school classroom located at The Day School. The heterogeneous group of students that made up the classroom have significant cognitive weaknesses in general learning abilities, functional communication, fine and gross motor skills, social skills, self-care, sensory, and physical development. In addition to their intellectual disabilities, many students in the classroom suffered with health care problems, including eating problems, growth impairments, and respiratory disorders. During my visit, the teacher and paraprofessionals provided support to the students with health care needs. These responsibilities included toileting assistance and diapering, food preparation,…
Discuss your reasons for pursuing the Major/Academic Program selected above? Engineering I want to endeavor on an educational path of engineering because I am fascinated by its concepts and applications. I want to learn everything I can because I believe knowledge is the most powerful attribution.…
In an office with a large desk crowded with papers, folders, and a fresh cup of coffee, Cliff Jarvis fills out some paperwork while laughing with a colleague. Jarvis, a man with a strong stature and friendly smile, puts the campus at ease with his job as the executive director of plants and facilities at Columbia College. Samantha Heckel, a junior at Columbia College spent a lot of time in the basement of St. Clair Hall where Jarvis’ office is located. “It is a great place to study, no one goes there and there is a little lounge area. He always made a point to talk to me when he came out of his office, joking about my studying and things like that.…
Observation of a 5-year-old Purpose The purpose of this observational study is to gain perspective of the various theories of development that were taught in class. Also, to help the observer understand that observational research is complex and difficult to describe a five-year-old female child objectively. The observation took place in the child’s home for one hour while her parents were present during the study thus, the mother can sign the permission slip.…