Reflexologists use foot maps to determine what part of the foot corresponds to the body part that is ailing. Nerves from the back end on the inside of the foot. This area runs from the middle of the big toe, along the arch and ends approximately an inch below the ankle. When feelings this area, many people notice that the curve is similar to that of the spine. To get back pain relief, one can visit a reflexologist or apply treatment to their own foot. …show more content…
Start with light pressure and slowly transition to a deeper massage. Reflexologists believe that applying pressure to areas that feel good, as well as areas that are sore, will help bring balance to the body. The common practice in reflexology is that the closer reflexology sessions are together, especially in the beginning of treatment, the shorter the time period that will be required to cure pain and ailments. Treatments can last approximately 15 to 60 minutes and can be done as often as every two to three