There are a lot of issues people can have with their feet, and they might not even know about them, and just deal with their foot pain thinking it is normal. Some common issues are: cavus foot, …show more content…
Cavus foot is when a person has a very high arch that can lead to pain or even walking, but wearing inserts can help with the issue in mild cases, and in extreme cases surgery is needed to treat it (Blanco). Tarsal coalitions are when the bones in the ankle fuse together causing stif
Blumhoff 2 surgery, using the Ponseti technique most of the time (Blanco). Accessory navicular is described as the presence of an extra bone growth center on the inside of the navicular and within the posterial tibial tendon that attaches to the navicular. It is also noticeable at birth and can be fixed without surgery, but can easily be fixed by a surgeon removing the extra bone (Blanco). Juvenile bunion is something that occurs in kids, even though when most people think bunion they think of older people. They occur most often in children who are ligamentously lax or loose-jointed, and can only be fixed with close to the end of their growth (Blanco). These are some of the …show more content…
Since people with diabetes suffer from poor circulation and neuropathy, which is when they do not always feel when they get sores on their feet (Edmonds), and that can lead to them getting ulcers. “Podiatrists play a leading role in the management of ulceration providing treatments including wound debridement, dressing and pressure relief”(Coleman). Ulcers can lead to the need for amputation of the foot, or even up as far as right below the knee. “Risk of amputation with up to 80% of amputations attributed to foot ulceration”(Coleman). Without proper care ulcers can lead to a lot more problems than just an amputation. If an ulcer gets infected and the person does not go a podiatrist, and it does not heal, the infection can spread into the bloodstream and lead to death. “The prognosis for individuals with ulceration and amputation is poor with a five year mortality rate of 43-55% and up to 74% respectively”(Coleman). Without podiatrist people with diabetes would have a much more difficult life style and a much harder time surviving.
Falls among the elderly people within our society are becoming more and more common,
“ with at least one in three people aged over 65 years falling each year”(Spink). Reasons