The health status of a population is influenced by the interaction between multiple factors influences such as behavior, environmental, socioeconomic, interpersonal, communities, chemical and biological. This emulsion of interactions requires an approach in many levels in order to have successful outcomes. In order to illustrate the health service strategies used in prevention of negative outcomes I decide to talk about diabetes mellitus condition. Millions of dollars are spent to treat diabetes and even more to prevent the medical complications.
Health promotion is an indispensable tool in raising awareness about diabetes. Educating patients about the early signs of diabetes such as polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, would make them seek medical help earlier. Also recognizing symptoms like hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia assist the patient in making the right health-related decision. Implementing interventions accordingly to the stages of change is a determinate of a good outcome. There are many community outreach programs that focus in education of patients with diabetes. They also act as cultural broker and alienate health illiteracy. With the staggering increase in obesity, we have witnessed a proportional increase in people diagnosed with diabetes. Implementing weight …show more content…
Using podiatric services diabetic patients are not only able to check their feet for ulcers, but also to get their ingrown nails cut which prevents infections and delayed wound healing. Coverage of needles and alcohol avoids infection at the site of insulin injection or where finger stick blood sugar check are performed. Site rotation of the insulin injection is also important consideration that prevents tissue necrosis. In addition patient with diabetes mellitus are recommended to receive yearly influenza vaccine and every 5 ear pneumococcal