Therapeutic And Massage Therapy Essay

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Many options are available today for people looking for alternatives to traditional methods of healthcare. Most people are not aware of the different approaches to health and healing that can be taken. The term alternative medicine is, “used simply to denote approaches to health and healing that do not rely on drugs, surgery, and/ or other conventional medical procedures for treating illness.” (Goldberg). When becoming involved in alternative medicine, a world of possibilities is introduced. Utilizing this particular but effective method to heal others and stay healthy is life changing. Alternative healing is available to the majority of the population and can be accessed at a sensible rate. It is important to recognize and to heal the cause …show more content…
Chiropractic therapy is an effective method in aligning the spine so the body can function properly. The nervous systems are greatly affected if the spine is out of place, and they cannot work to their full potential. Having the spine not in its correct equilibrium will not only affect that area, but also the entire body as a whole. (Rector-Page). Massage therapy focuses on a different method to promote better health within the body. Therapeutic massage has numerous positive results such as relieving stress and eliminating pain. Massage helps loosen the tissue in the body and mobilize the unserviceable or tight area. It also helps circulate blood more efficiently to where it is needed. (Goldberg). Under the practice of some massage therapists and chiropractors, reflexology is involved in the healing process. Reflexology is using specific pressure points on parts on the hands and feet that correlate with internal organs and other body parts and systems. By holding these points, it will influence the correlating body part and may relieve tension as well. This practice normalizes the imbalances of the body and results in extreme healing.

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