Workplace Stress Research Paper

Improved Essays
Stress is the body’s reaction to a change or to something that could make the body feel threatened. When someone is stressed, they get more adrenaline or hormones pumped into their body which cause all of the symptoms to occur. People who experience stress often get overwhelmed easily. This is also a large cause for depression or sadness. Knowing how to help if a person is going through chronic stress is important. It is something that affects everyone, and it is something that people need to know how to manage.Stress is a subject that has become much more prominent, however most people still don’t fully understand what it is or how to treat it. Stress has many causes, it effects a person in a variety of ways, and is easy to manage through medical and physical treatments. There are three main reasons for stress: Money, Work, and poor health. Money can have a big effect on everyday life. It can cause fights and dissatisfaction in how much one makes. “A poor economy puts the highest pressure on those earning less than $50,000.” (“The top three causes of stress in today’s world”) Workplace stress is one of the leading causes for stress around the home. Between working long hours and struggling to keep up with the work, the workplace is one of the most stressful places. “Workplace stress can occur when there is a mismatch between the requirements of the role, your capabilities and resources and supports available.” (“Workplace Stress”) The last cause for stress is poor health.Whether it is a family member becoming sick or oneself becoming sick, health can cause a good deal of stress to someone. Having poor health can make someone not think clearly because all that is on their mind is the state of health them, or their family member is in. Stress has a significant effect on a person’s body, mood, and behavior. “Stress symptoms may be affecting your health, even though you might not realize it” (“Stress Management”). It can cause headaches, Muscle tension or pain, chest pain, fatigue, and more. “Your body responds to stress by releasing hormones that increase your heart and breathing rates and ready your muscles to respond” (Watson, Pietrangelo). Once someone's body releases too much of these hormones, their stress levels can stay elevated for a long period of time. With their stress levels staying elevated, it can cause them to have anxiety, sadness or depression, and anger. Stress can also induce some behavioral changes like drug or alcohol abuse, social withdraw, or overreacting/underreacting. With all of these hormones in the body, it can make …show more content…
“If you have stress symptoms, taking steps to manage your stress can have numerous health benefits.” (“Stress Management”) Learning the steps that work for a person's body is very important. Smiling and laughing has been proven to relieve stress. “When people are stressed, they often hold a lot of the stress in their face,” (“five tips to help manage stress”) so smiling and laughing can relieve some of the tension on the face. Having people to help manage stress can be very beneficial. “People with strong social support networks report less stress and fewer negative symptoms of stress than those who lack social support,” (Conrad Stöppler). Take some time to just relax and meditate. Some deep breathing and muscle relaxation can be extremely beneficial to lower stress

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