Stress In Jekylll And Lanyon

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Many people today, especially students, have a lot of stress put on them that is not taken very seriously by others. But could this stress be leading to both mental and physical health problems that are unknown by many and affecting people greatly? Stress is pressure or tension exerted on a person for different reasons. In this case, the pressure and tension are causing health problems that people are unaware of. Even though stress is not something you can see itself, there are many signs and effects of stress that you can see. Stress has a major effect on the body as it affects our mental health, physical health, and ultimately led to the death of both Jekyll and Lanyon in Stevenson’s novel. One thing that stress affects is the bodies mental …show more content…
One reason that Jekyll died from stress was that his evil self was taking over his good. Jekyll says, “I became, in my own person, a creature eaten up and emptied by fever, languidly weak both in body and mind, and solely occupied by one thought: the horror of my other self” (Stevenson 81). In this quote, Jekyll is describing how he is scared to live his own life because his other side is so powerful. Because he has no control over his evil side, he is constantly stressed and living his life in fear of what his evil side is going to do next. Jekyll also said that “It was no longer the fear of the gallows, it was the horror of being Hyde that racked me” (Stevenson 80). In this quote, Jekyll is describing how scary and powerful Hyde really is. Jekyll is saying that he no longer has other fears as his most terrifying fear is what is evil side is going to do next. A reason for Lanyon’s death was that he was shocked to death from seeing his good friend turn into a crimeful monster. Lanyon said, “My life is shaken to its roots; sleep has left me; the deadliest terror sits by me all hours of the day and night; and I feel that my days are numbered, and that I must die; and yet I shall die incredulous” (Stevenson 63). In this quote, it clearly shows the effects of the stress he has and how all of the tension built up until it was just too much for him to …show more content…
Some people that deal with stress develop some of the health problems mentioned before like anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and many others. For those people that deal with these health issues, stress is not something that will motivate them to get things done. If anything, the stress causes these health problem to get worse and affect the body in a very negative way. Others also say that stress is a part of life you have to learn to deal with and it motivates you to get things done. Even though many have learned to live with stress, there are ways that stress can be very harmful to a person and affect their overall health greatly as “Medical research suggests that up to 90 percent of all illness and disease is stress-related, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” (Burrows 2). This quote helps support that stress has a major impact on the body that is unknown by many and has a large effect on the way that people live their

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