Having the knowledge of psychology is very important in Nursing career. When you work in the Nursing field you may come across different kinds of a patient with a different background, so interacting with diverse kinds of a patient with different culture and lifestyle can be frustrating. However, if you can apply your psychological expertise on a day to day interaction of your patient you can easily gain their trust and understand their emotional reaction. Also, psychology helps Nurses to correspond smoothly with patients, which have a great impact on their treatment and well-being. I wanted to become a Nurse because I love helping others, and these psychological concepts that I learned in this course such as memory loss, stress, personality, and psychological disorder will help me a lot in my wonderful future career.
Nowadays, memory loss is …show more content…
Stress is the response to perceived threats or challenges resulting from stimuli or events that cause strain , analogous to the airplane wing bending because of an applied load (page 506). Stressors are the causes of the stress. Many people deal with different kinds of stress in their daily lives some of them can cope up with the stress in a positive way, some of them do not, so they may need help from others to deal with it. For example, a nursing home residents can deal with many kinds of stress, being away from home and family, adopting a new environment, dealing with health problem. Therefore, Nurses are the first person in line which can help them ease the pain of their stress. Therefore, Nurses can use their psychological expertise such as redirecting, removing them from the stressful situation, actively listening, understanding the emotional reaction they present and getting them involved in different activities to reduce the stress level of their