When white drivers were only pulled over 10% of the time. And by looking at the statistics, black men and women aren’t the only people getting profiled by the police. A 2004 Gallup Poll found that 67 percent of African-Americans and 63 percent of Latinos believe they are the victims of police discrimination. Mistrust and experiences like this with the community can lead to some dangerous incidents and rises in crime even. But, to prevent this I believe there is some solutions to this. This is obviously a problem in America, and there is some things we can do to make this problem hopefully one day not exist. We, the people, can go and protest, which is one of our rights. Which I think is a good idea but can be hard to handle and sometimes even turn into a riot. But to avoid that a even better solution is use another right we are given by the constitution and vote. Vote for the politicians who will actually do something about this problem and do something to solve it. But I think I have a solution, that even you Mrs. Police Chief you could solve using your resources to
When white drivers were only pulled over 10% of the time. And by looking at the statistics, black men and women aren’t the only people getting profiled by the police. A 2004 Gallup Poll found that 67 percent of African-Americans and 63 percent of Latinos believe they are the victims of police discrimination. Mistrust and experiences like this with the community can lead to some dangerous incidents and rises in crime even. But, to prevent this I believe there is some solutions to this. This is obviously a problem in America, and there is some things we can do to make this problem hopefully one day not exist. We, the people, can go and protest, which is one of our rights. Which I think is a good idea but can be hard to handle and sometimes even turn into a riot. But to avoid that a even better solution is use another right we are given by the constitution and vote. Vote for the politicians who will actually do something about this problem and do something to solve it. But I think I have a solution, that even you Mrs. Police Chief you could solve using your resources to