In the text “There Is a Constitutional and Legal Basis for Opposing Racial Profiling,” Jody Feder, is a legislative attorney with the US Congressional Research Service, he argues that “The Fourteenth Amendment provides for equal protection under the law” (Feder 1). The 14th Amendment provides equal protection to everyone no matter race, age, or gender. Feder argues that there is an amendment that protects everyone with equal protection under the law. His perspective is important because he is using a constitutional law as to showing how racial profiling is against our rights. Feder also states “Racial profiling, or consideration of race by police and law enforcement, is a subject that the courts have reviewed on several constitutional grounds, including whether such profiling constitutes a violation of the Fourth Amendment's prohibition against unreasonable search and seizure or the equal protection guarantee of the Fourteenth Amendment” (Feder 4). What Feder means is that courts are now saying that racial profiling can also go against the 4th amendment. This means that racial profiling is now going against two constitutional …show more content…
In the text “Racial Profiling and a Misunderstanding of Probability,” Key Sun, is a psychologist, social worker, and professor of law at Central Washington University, he argues that “The current discussion explores another type of cognitive distortions that supports racial profiling—a misunderstanding and misapplication of probability/statistics” ( Sun 2). People are trying to justify racial profiling as a misunderstanding of probability. What they mean is that race has nothing to do with cop related scenarios. It’s all about the probability of anyone bumping into the law. Sun also states “These misunderstandings mean, Sun asserts, that racial profiling, as applied in the United States, is biased and unfairly applied to many innocent people” (Sun 1). This is another reason why racial profiling is wrong because innocent people are being targeted. Some people may think it is okay to racially profile someone, but it is not. Racial profiling can never be justified no matter