Difference Between Labeling Theory And Deterrence Theory

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Labeling theorists and deterrence theorists both have a particular view with their theories when it comes to criminal punishment. To understand those views it is essential to first understand both the labeling and the deterrence theory. Labeling theory looks into labels that are placed on individuals based off of certain characteristics or attributions that they posses. This can be seen as a form of control to weaken another by giving them a particular label. With this being stated labeling theory can be associated with social control as labeling another individual can be viewed as a social control. Deterrence theory is a theory looking at ways to prevent crimes. Deterrence theory argues that crime can be deterred or prevented based off of …show more content…
With labeling theory it is shown that placing a label such as a criminal on an individual, it will not deter an individual from crime, but make it more likely that the individual will continue or start this behavior and more toward crime. It is discussed that applying a label of a deviant on another makes them more likely to gravitate toward this label and exhibit behavior that goes along with the label. This is a contrast to how the deterrence theory would view criminal punishment. Deterrence theory would see this as a possibility to deter crime as it could use an individual for general deterrence. By labeling the individual as an offender (possible even labeling them as a specific type of offender), the deterrence theory can make an example out of the individual with the type of sanction that is given. This would basically be a warning message sent out to the community to not stray off the path and end up like this individual. With that being stated deterrence theory and labeling theory would be associating with social control. Labeling would see labeling another individual as a form of social control that can have negative effects. Deterrence would see it as more of a positive social control for the …show more content…
Daniel discusses how racism is visible within our countries laws and procedures. He also states that racism is built into customs, however in this sense it might not be as visible as it is within laws and procedures. It is noted by Akers and Sellers that this might be the case as use of excessive force, citizen harassment, stop and search, etcetera, lean toward racial and class biases. This brings to light the existence of stereotypes and their workings within the criminal justice system, centering on police actions and behavior. This brings the topic of racial profiling forward. Racial profiling is the system taking actions or certain behaviors out on an individual not for their actions, but purely on the fact of their race. Racial profiling is outlawed in many states in America; however, this does not mean that racial profiling is not still present within the states. It is the systems job to uphold the law and protect citizens while treating them justly, but unfortunately there are some that will shout probable cause for a stop and search, when the only reasoning behind it is

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