The British established an effiant government for 500 million people, diverse religions and had spread over 17,000 square miles (Paragraph #6, Lalvani). The British government only benefitted the British because it was created to protect the British from …show more content…
The British have built those things, some have had positive effects on the Indians, some have had negative effects. By 1914, the Indian mining industry, which was built from nothing by the British, producing nearly 16 million tons of coal a year (Paragraph #19, Lalvani). But, on the other hand, Indians had to work the mines, and they were polluting their own land.
Health and life expectancy both improved dramatically (Paragraph #19). Malaria was tackled and vaccinations against smallpox had been introduced to people. In the famines 58 million people died (Paragraph #7). During the famines, the British taxed the Indians, if they didn’t want them to buy something, they would add tax to it so they wouldn’t buy it. Although, the British have built universities and museums (Paragraph #11), only the wealthy went to school. The British had only educated 16 percent of the Indian population.
In conclusion, the British have created an Army to protect themselves from the Indians. The British have also created a government for 500 million people. British men have introduced vaccines against smallpox for the Indians, health and life expectancy improved dramatically.The British have done positive and negative things to India, some helped the Indians and some didn’t help the