First and Foremost in India there was famine due to imperialism. The more cotton that was being grown, the more famine deaths there were. For example, in document 3 according to the chart it shows that between 1876-1879 there were between 6.1 million- 10 million famine deaths. Also between 1896-1902 there was 6.1 million- 19.0 millions of famine deaths. Also in document 3 the picture shows how bad the situation was. For instance the people pictured are really skinny and obviously we're dying of starvation. This shows how they …show more content…
The Sepoy Mutiny was a time period that took place in May of 1857 and it was when the Indians and British East Company uprose and was against the British to overthrow them and not have any power to rule within India. As the Indians fought the British East India Company the took direct control over India. In document 5 it says “I am not exaggerating when I tell you that the soles of my boots were more than covered with blood of these poor wretched creatures. Furthermore this meant that everywhere he walked were dead bodies like if he were to be stepping on grass. Moreover the Sepoy Mutiny was violent and deadly. In document 6 it stated “and hung every native that they could catch, on the trees that lined the road. This indicates that the British soldiers had no mercy and were killing every single person they saw and it doesn't matter if they were innocent. This quote shows that cultural and religious differences led to bloodshed in India during Imperialism. This was pessimistic because there was conflicts of how the natives Indians should be treated which led to violence and caused and provoked the Indians to fight back. All in all imperialism was negative in India due to the violence and horrific