“The English had 960 people controlling India but only 60 of those people were Indians” (doc 2) which might have been a good thing to the english because they then would have more power over the people but then having the 60 Indians that they did also let them have just enough of their own kind over them but not enough that they couldn’t control and handle. The British controlled India with a hard hand and the need to change everything making …show more content…
They were impacted in such a way that they would go starving, be left poor and in poverty. Forced to use cash crops that hurt the soil, land and make it unable to grow anything else. They grew indigo but doing that it made that be the only thing they can grow wherever they plant it. Indigo can not be eaten so they grew it only for dye but when people than didn’t want indigo it stopped selling but the problem was that the British still made the Indians grow it and no one was buying it so they were making no money off of it (doc 6). Although the english paid them to work they are paid 20x less by just being Indian so when they didn’t have people buying their products they were left with nothing hardly. Even though they were given jobs and a chance to make money it was in a way that was making nothing. The cost of cash crops was also that they ruined the land, it hurts the soil making it so that you can’t grow anything else other than that one thing that you plant the first time and even then it sucks the good and healthy from the dirt making even what you do plant not very good or not able to grow at all (Gandhi). Although the English saw it as a way to make more money they planted wrong and over planted indigo so when people didn’t want it they were stuck with all of this indigo and no need for it. And even though cash crops might could have been a good thing if they ended up planting the right thing they didn’t and it led to poverty and starvation all over