Revolutions, enlighten political and social thinkers, and conflict with one another had left the European powers like England and France broke, under revolution and believing that the Roman ideal was not appropriate for the time period (Houck 10/26/16). This however creates the underpinning for a time period where colonialism is once again at its height, and the ideals of the Roman Imperium Universalis is seen in multiple colonial expeditions in multiple countries and continents. Imperium Universalis created a new face for the Second Wave of European influence, one that is advanced technologically, one that attempts to work with the other powers, and one that is driven by economic expansion. This lull, then fervent revival in the Imperium Universalis thinking and practicing is also seen in multiple areas of history, yet this concept traverses time, and its innate foundation does not differ in the Second …show more content…
This new form of colonialism became known as “indirect rule”, so while in theory the English were not “ruling” India, their social, political and economic influence directly represents the meaning of Imperium Universalis. The British used the East India Company to create this indirect imperialism and exert their control, influence, and politics without getting bogged down in wars. The East India Company was an organization that was under complete control of the British and was essentially an extended arm of the British Empire. India became “the most extensive Asian territory to come under European rule” (Lehning 116). The British were able to insert their economic goods, and reach the India market creating huge amounts of wealth for itself, expanding its influence and opening the world market to itself (Houck 11/16/16). Politically they created deals through bribes, intimidation and advanced technology to insure that the leaders of India worked for them and depended on them, while not having to rule directly, essentially, ruling through and by the local leaders. Militarily this is also similar; in India more the two-thirds of the British military personal were Indians under British officers (Crash Course). In this time period, this became the new