Pro Life Argumentative Analysis

Superior Essays
In 2013 there were approximately 800 women who died due to pregnancy related complications in the USA1. Could some of these deaths been prevented? The answer is simply yes, if some of these pregnancies had been terminated by an abortion those mothers could have lived to fight for this cause today. Abortion is not an easy choice, but it is a choice, something everyone should be entitled to make. Pro-choice means women in extreme poverty don’t have to raise a child in impossible circumstances; pro-choice means women can protect themselves from conditions that could kill them, the fetus, or both; finally pro-choice means a woman can escape the physical proof of a rape and help to heal their mental health. Pro-choice is more than removing a few cells it is allowing women the choice to live.

Unintended pregnancies cause enough issues for the stereotypical white picket fence family, imagine the catastrophic effects it can
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Pro-life arguments are invalid because of the Hippocratic believers, and the sole fact that one’s personal belief cannot dictate another. It is unfair to force a women to have a child to have a child if she cannot afford it; it is also unfair to force a child to be raised in terrible conditions, starving and alone, all because the mother can’t afford to even care for herself. Abortion is also the right choice when the mother’s life is at stake. Forcing the mother into a certain death situation is inhumane and morally wrong. Finally, the emotional trauma of rape is so enormous it would be absolutely awful to force women to give birth to their attackers baby. With the increased risk of dangerous behavior victims have it would also be unjust to allow a child to be born into that situation. Women have a right to choose, forcing one’s personal belief onto another, especially in such an important matter, is simply wrong therefore Pro-choice is the only

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