Abortion is a very serious and controversial topic. Before I begin I must say that you should be informed on the opposing side as much as your own before you argue on a subject such as this. Which I have done throughout my first learning about abortion to now. With that said, I will be explaining abortion, giving statistics, countering pro-choice arguments, and telling you ways to stop this American Holocaust against the unborn. This subject has been said to be overused but I wish to show you new points and tell you these things in a way that sits better than just being scolded at by …show more content…
Rape is a horrible and unjustifiable action. However, when many people use this argument, they 're not showing they actually care about rape victims. When I say ‘they’ don’t take that as if I mean all pro-choice but in many cases these things have been found to be true. Many wish to use this 1% of abortion cases to justify all abortions. On this argument I have four main points.
1.) Situation doesn 't magically make embryology and biology irrelevant. It 's clear that a human comes into existence at conception. And regardless of what has happened in your past, or what you fear might happen, a human is still a human and nothing will change that. Thus their natural rights will always apply, and therefore abortion still remains wrong.
2.) An abortion will only make the situation worse. Will an abortion erase the incident? No. Will it make you forget? No. Will it cure your possible (though extremely likely) unhinged mental state? No. It will in fact make things worse. A 2004 New Zealand study that has tracked 1,265 children since their births in 1970s found that 90% of the women included in the study got in an abortion they were twice as likely to abuse drugs/ alcohol when compared to women who had given birth, and that almost half of them experienced severe depression. Another study performed at Bowling Green State University tracked 11,000 women between the ages of 15 to 34 who had experienced …show more content…
The statistics that I provided in the rape discussion is part of this. I have a few points on this.
1.) One of the biggest results of abortion is the severe regret and depression called Post Abortion Syndrome (PAS) and other negative psychological effects. A study by the clinical psychologist Catherine Barnard, released in 1991, indicated
Pro-choicers believe the pro-life movement is to strip women of their “rights” to their body but what we are doing is trying to protect the rights of a body separate from the woman’s. Women often argue that it is their body so they should have full authority over what happens to their baby.
Abortion takes a life, steals a future, and snatches from the world the beauty and miracle of a child, a human just like you and me. William Wilberforce, a leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade, stated, “You may look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.” We need to educate and share this knowledge to protect our women and