Anti Abortion Persuasive Speech

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In the United States the constitution gives us certain rights, rights given to a someone by being a person. However, what if because of your age, you were stripped of those rights, stripped of the right to live? What if someone that barely knows you could tear you to shreds. If someone elses mistakes decided the fate of your life, and how would you react if these blinded crimes were all allowed by your government? Personhood, the legal state of being a person, is granted to people the day they are born until the day they die. Though, inside the womb the baby is still a person. At 6 weeks the embryo's heart starts beating, at twelve weeks the fetus starts to move and at 18 weeks the fetus starts to feel, hear, taste and starts to develop a liking or disliking for certain things. …show more content…
Thus, abortion should not even be legal. Under the basic rights of personhood a person has the right of security, meaning they have the right not to be abused, injured, or killed. Commonly, the practice of abortion involves suction aspiration, which the baby mildly drugged, torn to pieces and then lightly suctioned out of the whom. To stop this, the fetal heart bill was put forth to stop the unconstitutional extermination of embryos with a detected heartbeat, but it simply died in congress. As citizens of the United States we need to recognize and inform this unconstitutional practice and put up the laws necessary to make it

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