CORE 346
Abortion is a very delicate topic to touch on when talking about social justice. When does life begin? Does it begin once you receive that first sonogram photo? Does it begin once you find out the news from the doctor? Let 's begin by defining what an abortion is exactly. The classic definition of abortion is expulsion of the fetus before it 's viable. In order to do so, there are different methods to perform such an act. There 's medicated abortions, where a prescribed abortion pill is taken. The other method is an aspiration abortion. An aspiration abortion is conducted through a quick surgery done by a physician to terminate the pregnancy. Abortions have come a long way via technology and new methods to make it significantly safer now than it has been before. Coming from a time where foreign objects were inserted into the uterus or even striking a pregnant women in the stomach are just a few examples of the dangerous methods that were used during the early stages of abortion.
Through it all, this is not the social injustice that abortion presents. The social injustice is the actual termination of life. While it 's not a scientific argument, it does present itself as a moral argument. Abortion has become so accessible to the public that it almost hinders the morality behind the whole operation. That 's where the debate begins There are those that find abortions to be acceptable in certain instances, while we have those that believe that every life has its worth and the fate of one should not be left to anyone to decide. According to, about 115,000 abortions are done per day worldwide and 3,315 are done per day in United States alone. Women younger than 25 years old account for 50% of the abortions done in United States. Our current culture has more and more families where children are growing in divided households. Over the past couple of decades we have seen an increase in the number of children who live in single parent homes. As a society, while this may be not ideal, it 's becoming more realistic. People are having children out of wedlock, planned or unplanned. Marriage has become less of necessity to solidify a relationship, where it has become more of a luxury. The “big wedding” became too expensive and overwhelming, especially for young women who are about to enter parenthood. While this may be the new reality, it still doesn 't serve as our cultural norm. The cultural norm still depicts a relationship amongst two adults who have a child post marriage. Abortion is actually an outlet to helping keep this cultural norm alive. It helps provide a second chance to those who aren 't ready to become parents and help hold on to the ideal of one day getting married and having a child with their spouse. Economically, having a child is a gigantic step. …show more content…
The amount it costs to raise a child from birth to the age of 18 is approximately $245,340 (with a projected inflation at $304,480.) Someone who is not financially prepared to raise a child may not be able to properly care for one. Love goes a long way but it won 't pay for diapers, vaccinations, doctor visits, food, clothing and all the other necessities in raising a child. While new policies and government aid are now implemented to help assist those in financial distress, it 's still a very difficult situation to be placed in. To add to that, in an ideal situation a child is coming to a household with both parents. Both parents means a dual income, meaning that there is that much more capital to be used for the care of the child. Politically, abortion has been on the radar for quite some time now. There are those with a more liberal approach that believe in the mother’s right to choose. One of the biggest arguments towards that goes to the case of rape victims. Women who become impregnated through rape feel they should not have to keep a rapists baby. These are decisions that are stripped away from women due to a heinous act that these women had to suffer through, whereas those who are more conservative feel that every lift matters. They feel that life begins once the child is conceived. Some politicians may even bring religion