Is Abortion Constitutionally Wrong

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There are about 1.1 million abortions performed each year in the United States alone. This accounts for about 1/4 of all pregnancies. “Approximately 1/3 of American women have had an abortion by age 45” (Guttmatcher). As a baby lover, these statistics are really hard for me to wrap my head around. There are over a million babies dead that could be learning how to walk and talk. Is it right that they do not have a chance to live? Who is going to be their voice? I am here as a voice for the babies. I am a strong believer that abortion is a catastrophic issue we have not only in American, but worldwide. Abortions are not just unethical, but they are constitutionally wrong. A solution to this growing issue is to make abortions illegal in all terms, …show more content…
If the baby was not a living thing, he would not be able to open his mouth or move his spine. The mother, doctor, and all involved are committing murder every time an abortion is performed. Our law states that when a pregnant woman is murdered it is double homicide, so how come killing a baby in the womb separate isn’t murder? Our society has many double standards because we conform to what makes others happy, but it is time we take a stand and help save the lives of many innocent children. A solution to this problem is to follow our constitution and make abortions illegal. There are enough scientific studies to show the baby is alive giving it the rights every American has, the right to life. Taking away the life of an innocent child should have the same outcome, if not worse, than taking a life of someone who can protect themselves. Many people do not value the life of an unborn child, but I do not really understand that because each one of us was given life from two people, carried by a mother, and born in some way. If we deserve to be on this earth how can we now decide to take that opportunity away from someone? The best solutions are sometimes the hardest to get into play, so another solution for parents not wanting children is to find people who do want …show more content…
Having an abortion has become a quick and easy fix for women who have made a mistake and this is horrible. The other problem is that women are not using it as a one-time fix and learning from their mistakes, but rather as a contraception. This is proven by statistics such as, “50% of women now seeking abortion have had at least one previous abortion” (Guttmatcher). This shows how people are not taking an abortion serious enough. They are taught that the baby is not a living person, but a tissue and so they do not think it is that big of a deal to abort the baby. Along with Freakonomics co-author Steven Levitt, PhD, wrote that after abortion was legalized, “Conceptions rose by nearly 30 percent, but births actually fell by 6 percent, indicating that many women were using abortion as a method of birth control, a crude and drastic sort of insurance policy” (“Should Abortion Be Legal?”). This should not be allowed. A solution to this problem would be to better educate teens and young adults about using protection. Many teens are uneducated about the importance of contraceptives because they realize there are other options now. Instead of money being funded to promote planned parenthood and abortions we should educate people on using protection and provide teens with a place to receive free

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