• 1994-1997 Sandusky engages …show more content…
Penn State leaders should have dealt with this situation in 1998 or again in 2001, it could have saved dozens of children as well as their university and football program.
Penn State has since developed The Penn State Ethical Decision-Making Model to help faculty, staff and students make difficult decisions. “It is designed to encourage us to pause and think about the implications and consequences for decisions that we make on a daily basis” ("Model for ethical decision making part of the Penn State values," 2016, n.p.). Graphic via: ("Model for ethical decision making part of the Penn State values," 2016, …show more content…
• Determine the ethical issue – what personal or group biases may be impacting how this is viewed, what ethical values will be involved, what moral feelings or judgments does this situation bring out?
• Consider ethical principles, responsibilities and Penn State values – what are the rights, duties and ethical obligations for all involved, are there professional responsibilities or obligation that must be upheld, how do the actions and possible decisions reflect Penn State values?
• Identify those impacted – who will be impacted by the decision, have we consulted with those that will be impacted, have other viewpoints been considered?
• Explore possible solutions and actions – think about ethical solutions, what may prevent this issue in the future, how will the final decision be communicated and evaluated? (Penn State, 2017)
As of this year, three former Penn State administrators are head to jail. To some