Understanding the Dilemmas This case has a variety of ethical dilemmas occurring across several contexts (personal, societal, and organizational). Reflecting on the theories and conceptual models presented in this course, I found the Five Faces of Oppression (Young, 2014) and the Ecological Systems Theory (Bronfenbrenner, 1979) helpful in conceptualizing these various circumstances and contexts.
Five Faces of Oppression
The concept of oppression is multifaceted and has traditionally referred to the tyranny exercised by ruling groups (Young, …show more content…
Our most immediate environments are referred to as microsystems. Referring to the SW in the case, these systems can include her workplace, professional school, peers and family. The SW has direct interactions within these systems, which shape her perspective and guide her actions. Identifying as a SW and choosing to support vulnerable women and child likely means she holds values related to social service and social justice. One might also assume that growing up within her family unit, she also learned to embody these values. Moving outward, mesosystems refer to the connections between microsystems. This is helpful in understanding how the SW’s personal values are influenced by her workplace, such that she values direct clinical work over macro-orientated practises, but is still required to complete the documentation and statistics even though it detracts from her frontline work. Moving further, exosystems refer to the systems that influence the individual indirectly through their microsystems such as governments, laws, politics and economics. The political and economic systems contribute to the lack of affordable housing and employment opportunities, which in turn limits the SW’s options for referrals and transition plans. As well, government policy has imposed the 30-day limit, which again places the SW at a disadvantage. Lastly, macrosystems refer to the overarching cultural norms and values that are present within society. The fact that the agency acquired government funding to start the homeless shelter speaks to some culture value in helping those less fortunate. These same values may also help the SW feel as if she is contributing to a greater good.
Exploring the Dilemma
Case two presents a variety of ethical dilemmas occurring across several contexts. I will begin by identifying the various