This his essay will look at Tamika Johnson, who is a …show more content…
The first ethical dilemma is the alleged abuse that Shane may still be a victim. Mrs. Thomas stated that Shane and his dad got into an altercation since the last visit. The second ethical dilemma is Shane’s acting out behavior and being truant at school and home. This can be expressed by Shane expressing his thoughts or feelings which he may feel as if he’s incapable of otherwise expressing. When a person acts out, it usually stems from wanting to release pressure and often helps the individual feel calmer and peaceful once again (Crosson-Tower, 2013). The third ethical dilemma is the Thomas family was referred because of child abuse to family preservation. The family did not seek help on their own they were referred into family preservation because they had a history of abuse. The final ethical dilemma is Melissa dating a nineteen-year-old, and she does not want Tamika to tell her parents about the relationship. Tamika will need to find out what kind of relationship does Melissa have with her