The Lord Reigns

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The book, The Lord Reigns: A Theological Handbook to the Psalms is written by James L. Mays. It is a book about the book of Psalms viewed as a scripture and a liturgy. The book is concerned with the use of Psalms, and how its central message of the Lord reigns is portrayed. Mays proposes that the word “the Lord reigns” is the main point of Psalms that describes the sovereignty of God. It describes the contents and context of the Psalms individual and as a whole in relation to the other books of the Bible.
In the first chapter, James Mays discussed about the language of the book of Psalms. James mentioned that the psalms is identified as a scripture since it was established, canonical, and studied and interpreted by other people. Psalms are
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This is first introduced in Psalm 2 and 3. Psalms 18 praises God’s love and deliverance manifested to the Lord’s Messiah, to David and his descendants. On the other hand, Psalm 89 is a lament. The Messiah is rejected by his people. This psalm closes the vison of the Messiah and King. Psalm 110, however, shows that the Messiah is to seat in the right hand of the Lord and is the royal priesthood. These psalms notes the features that portray the Old Testament vision of the Messiah, which prepares the readers for the vision of the Messiah in the New …show more content…
The book, The Lord Reigns, enabled me to better understand the story and plot of the Pentateuch. Both the Davidic Torah and the Mosaic Torah included a time of celebration, repentance, deliverance, and also salvation. The Mosaic Torah described that God’s chosen people was to lead others to know Him. Similarly, the Davidic Torah describes of the chosen people and a chosen person to lead others to salvation. The Davidic Torah speaks about the coming Messiah. This prophecy assures the people of the time that a Messiah that was promised in the Mosaic Torah, will come. At the same time, the Book of Psalms was related to the other books of the Bible. The Lord Reigns is a book that reflects the New Testament books in the Bible, especially the Gospel books. It provides a consistency of Jesus being the Messiah, the Savior, and the Son of God. These important aspects of Jesus was displayed in both Psalms and also in the New Testament Gospel books.
The book, The Lord Reigns: A Theological Handbook to the Psalms, is a book that focuses on the sovereignty of God. It discusses its relations to the Pentateuch and also the other books of the Bible in the New Testament. Although there were some sections of the book that were unclear and difficult to connect to the other sections of the book, the main idea was carried

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