Psalms 121 captures the very essence of the nature of God as a Father and/or Shephard. A message of hope this is also see in Psalms 34:8 “Taste and See that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” (KJV). This passages also speaks of God as a provider and protector. We find this same theme in the 23rd division of Psalms, David said “The Lord is my Shepard; I shall not want.” (KJV). A Good Shepard take care of His sheep by providing and protecting them. The final reason this passages fits in to the overall theme of the bible is it speaks of the dependence that humankind has for a Lord. For the writer begins this passage by say “I will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help” (v.1). He recognizes that humankind nature is being dependent someone other than himself/herself. God gives hope to the hopeless and protection for the
Psalms 121 captures the very essence of the nature of God as a Father and/or Shephard. A message of hope this is also see in Psalms 34:8 “Taste and See that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” (KJV). This passages also speaks of God as a provider and protector. We find this same theme in the 23rd division of Psalms, David said “The Lord is my Shepard; I shall not want.” (KJV). A Good Shepard take care of His sheep by providing and protecting them. The final reason this passages fits in to the overall theme of the bible is it speaks of the dependence that humankind has for a Lord. For the writer begins this passage by say “I will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help” (v.1). He recognizes that humankind nature is being dependent someone other than himself/herself. God gives hope to the hopeless and protection for the