Abraham's Role In The Odyssey

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Not only did God ask Abraham to follow him, but he also promised to bless him and make of his descendants a great nation. When God commands Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his beloved son, Abraham is ready to obey God, but God chooses not to require the sacrifice. I believe that this is an important step in the relationship of God with his people, as it shows how much God loves his people if they follow God’s will. The promise of God to Abraham and his descendants is something that can be found through the history of Christianity. The promise of God continued from Abraham to Isaac, to Jacob (known as Israel) and then to Joseph (Jacob’s son) who God used to take Abraham descendants to a secure place (Egypt).
Abraham’s descendants were in Egypt for approximately 400 years. When the appointed time came, God sent Moses to rescue his people from Egyptian slavery. This is known in the Bible as the exodus. For approximately 40 years, Abraham’s descendants, the Israelites, were in the desert and the protection of God was with them. Abraham’s people dwelled in the desert as strangers, but God separated for them a special place described in the Bible as a land flowing with milk and honey. During this time, Moses received from God the Ten Commandments, which have been used to help the people of God from generation to generation.
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However, the people of God did not always obey God’s word. Deuteronomy, chapter 28, talks about how God speaks to his people about the “Blessings for Obedience” and “Curses for Disobedience.” I believe that the people of God understand this. They were able to see that when they obeyed God, He blessed and protected them. Nevertheless, when they disobeyed God, God left them alone, without protection. God used many prophets to share the word of God and encourage them to seek God’s promise at all times. It was clear the expectation of God from the people of God.
At this point, the beliefs of Judaism and Christianity were almost identical. However, Christianity was based on the prophesy of Isaiah, who approximately 700 years before the arrival of Jesus, announced the arrival of the Messiah. The book of Isaiah, chapter 53 provides a clear description of everything Jesus went through during the crucifixion and how these experiences made it evident that Jesus is the messiah. This chapter describes God’s love for his people. How God’s love for humanity is so great that God was willing to sacrifice his own son for the sake of his people, and the promise to them “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Christians believe that God chose the Virgin Mary, who had never seen man, to have God’s son (Jesus) who will be the savior. Mary was engaged to Joseph and after Joseph found out, he decided to leave Mary; however, through a dream, he received a vision from God, helping him understand the purpose of Mary to God. Joseph then, decided to obey God and take care of Mary and the child that she held. Then both Joseph and Mary went to Belen where Jesus was born. Jesus began his pilgrimage at

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