Yancey asserts that while most people would say Job is all about pain, it is really about faith in pain. In the third chapter, the author addresses Deuteronomy, as the final summation of the books of Moses and for a chapter, writes from Moses’ point of view. Yancey describes in length how Moses may have been feeling and thinking and how God chose and unlikely leader for his chosen people. Moses was living out God’s mission, not his own. The main point seems to be remembrance and a renewal of the covenant between God and his people, it is always important to look back to see what God has done. In the chapter on the Psalms, he calls them soul therapy. Saying that the Psalms are disorganized like life, and can teach us a lot about joy, anger, sadness and a host of other emotions. Another significance of Psalms are the utterance of praises throughout the book. I the fifth chapter covering Ecclesiastes. Yancey supposes the writer of the book leads his readers on, making them think lifers meaningless but in the twelfth chapter, reminds them of what is really important: “Fear God and his commandments; for it is the whole duty of a man.” The author indicates that Ecclesiastes will turn us into realists. The next chapter take a broad sweeping view over the prophets as books of hope. The people who lived during the time of the prophets went through …show more content…
David knew he mattered to God. Many of his psalms were laments. He truly loved God, but struggled to believe him in many ways. He cried out to God when things went wrong. David was said to a man after God’s own heart. From what I can tell, David got it right. He seems to have come to God in everything. He came in his joy, in his sorrow and in his anger and confusion. This paints a wonderful picture of a God who truly wants all of us, even our doubts. The third idea that excited me was on page 54, discussing that Job’s friends “voiced” Satan’s point of view. I enjoyed this chapter the most. I have not studied much in Job and don’t understand a lot of it but knowing that Job’s friends are wrong, certainly makes a lot of sense. They come from the world’s point of view, and closely reflect today’s idea of Karma. Job’s friends believe in God, they just have a bleak misunderstanding of him. All in all, this is one of the best books I have ever read. I greatly enjoyed reading it and it gave new perspective to me on just how important and interesting the Old Testament is. I look forward to the completion of this course and the adventure of discovery on the