Michael Reeves's Delighting In The Trinity

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Through reading the book, Delighting in the Trinity, I discovered how God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are all connected and how that affects my life today. I learned what God desires for his people and how He wishes for us to live a full and flourishing life. As I continue my journey at Taylor University I see how God wants us to live together in fellowship and love one another with the same love God has for us.
Reading Michael Reeves book has helped me see the love God has for me. I often take for granted His love and don’t put much thought into it. From chapter one Reeves starts off with creation and why God started creating. He created us because He loves us. He loves us so much so He sent His done just for our mistakes. I am reminded
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In chapter five Reeves states, “Jesus is the glory of the Father, shining out from the Father and perfectly enlightening us to see what the Father is really like.” (Reeves, pg. 126) I know I’ve stated this before but I can’t stop at being in awe of God. He wants to know our hearts and minds. He wants us to dedicate our lives and turn over our heart to Him. God has shown Himself to us through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I strongly believe God wishes for us to live a life with other followers of Jesus Christ that constantly gives ourselves to Him. He sent His son, Jesus, to lay down His life for us. So what’s stopping us from doing the same? Dr. Diller spent some time on the meaning of doubt and what that means to us. I think we have many doubts in our minds keeping us from growing in relationship with the Creator. I don’t believe we mean too but I think it just happens because we live in a fallen world. Yet, to my amazement God still continues to show us that he is constant and that he wants to know us.
Reading this book has been such an eye opener. I’ve learned more about who God is and why He does the things He does. I enjoyed connecting God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit and how they all affect my journey as a follower of Jesus. Learning more about God’s love for us, the desire for us to know Him and to be in a personal relationship with Him. By going to a Christian Liberal Arts University,

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