He presents clarifications for the natural world, humanities identity, humanities relationships, and makes an impact despite the confused culture. The Book of Romans displays several attributes of God: righteousness, sovereignty, justice, and omnipresence. God has existed eternally, and the plan of salvation had long been established to be completed by Jesus. Pauls’ letter to the Roman church is a great biblical starting point for understanding Christianity. Paul wholeheartedly presents the case for man’s sins against God, salvation from it, who God is, and how a believer should live. C. S. Lewis states, “I believe in Christianity in the same way as I believe that the sun has risen. Not because I see it, but that by it, I see everything else.” Lewis illustrates a biblical worldview in short, precise wording. A Christian worldview defines as having faith in knowing Jesus Christ was born, lived and died, and will return all for the sake of the mercy God has shown to humanity and their wrongdoings. In that light, everyone has a chance to live again on earth and …show more content…
Breaking Ground: Keys for Successful Online Learning (Iowa: Kendall Hunt, 2015). 92.
Holmes, A. F. “What about student integration?” Journal of Research on Christian Education. 3 (1994). 3-5.
Jeremiah, David. The Jeremiah Study Bible: NKJ (Tennessee: Worthy, 2013). 1539.
Lewis, C.S. The Weight of Glory: Is Theology Poetry? (New York, Harper Collins, 1980.
Washington, George. “George Washington: From his Farewell Address,” Crossroad (1796). November 12, 2015. http://www.crossroad.to/text/articles/WashingtonFarewell.html.
[ 1 ]. A. F. Holmes, “What about student integration?” Journal of Research on Christian Education, 3 (1994), 3-5.
[ 2 ]. Amy Scott Hassenpflug, Aaron D. Traphagen, and Jamaica Johnson Conner, Breaking Ground: Keys for Successful Online Learning (Iowa: Kendall Hunt, 2015), 92.
[ 3 ]. David Jeremiah, The Jeremiah Study Bible: NKJ (Tennessee: Worthy, 2013), 1539.
[ 4 ]. George Washington, “George Washington: From his Farewell Address,” Crossroad (1796), November 12, 2015, http://www.crossroad.to/text/articles/WashingtonFarewell.html.
[ 5 ]. C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory: Is Theology Poetry? (New York, Harper Collins,