In addition, there are direct similarities between the God king of Psalm 68 and the life of Jesus in the way he displayed his power and compassion. In essence David was prophesying about the day when Jesus would come and rule on earth as in heaven. Kings have come and gone, both around the world and in the United States. If more of America’s leaders would lead like Jesus, the world would indeed be a better place to live. Yet most kings rule for themselves, but both Jesus and David’s writing of his King of kings only serve to benefit their people. The world needs more kings like who use their power with compassion and provide for freedom. Perhaps it is up to every follower of Jesus to lead like
In addition, there are direct similarities between the God king of Psalm 68 and the life of Jesus in the way he displayed his power and compassion. In essence David was prophesying about the day when Jesus would come and rule on earth as in heaven. Kings have come and gone, both around the world and in the United States. If more of America’s leaders would lead like Jesus, the world would indeed be a better place to live. Yet most kings rule for themselves, but both Jesus and David’s writing of his King of kings only serve to benefit their people. The world needs more kings like who use their power with compassion and provide for freedom. Perhaps it is up to every follower of Jesus to lead like