An Old Testament character that illustrates godliness is David. One characteristic that distinguishes David from any other king is David’s ability to wait on the Lord. Although David had opportunities to kill Saul, such as in 1 Samuel 24 and 26, he spares his life and pursues God each time. David 's godliness was not in his courage, even though he was courageous. His godliness was not in the battles that he won, even though he achieved many. It was not in the glory of his reign, even though he had his portion of glory. However, his godliness was in his eagerness to accept the will of God and to humble his heart in repentance when he sinned. In addition, the Lord makes four covenants with David. These covenants that are established are a clear picture of a father-son relationship; a relationship that closely resembles what we have with …show more content…
Adding godliness during this semester will involve personal discipline. As a nursing student who finds time to be scarce, it will be crucial that I set aside time not only to read my Bible and grow in my personal faith, but also time to reflect on what the Lord is teaching me and what that should look like practically. When I think about a godly person, I think about patience and meekness. I think about John 3:30, which says, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” Godliness involves being a devout believer. In order to be a devout believer, I must become infatuated with the Gospel and pursue Jesus fervently. I must physically display Christ’s love to my patients, my instructors, and my classmates. As a team member of Student Center Activities Board (SCAB) that works for Student Life Programs here at Cedarville, I will strive to physically display Christ’s love and grace to both unbelievers and believers through my conversations with them. I need to become more like Christ and be sensitive to Christ trying to mold me in order to grow in this