Why Do We Protect Zoos

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Zoos are a place where animals are kept all day, instead of living in their own natural habitats. Animals are kept in different exhibits, where tourists can come and gawp at them. Some people wonder why zoos even exist when they, in a sense, keep the animals encaged and prevent them from living in their natural habitats. Zoos contain important rare species in their captivity and revolve around human entertainment, rather than the animals. Although zoos can seem like this is all they do, it is important to consider the facts that zoos protect and care for endangered species while providing tourists with educational programs about the animals.
Zoos are beneficial to both the animals that are kept within them and the tourists that visit the zoos.
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Rare species and animals that are headed to extinction can be cared for and protected in zoos. The biodiversity on Earth is continually decreasing. In 2017, it was recorded that 41% of all amphibian species decreased, 26% of mammals decreased, and 50% of the world's primates are decreasing (Miller A.17). This decrease of different species is a result of poaching and failing to repopulate. ¨Without them [zoos], many animals would no longer be able to properly breed and produce a larger population therefore would go extinct in the wild¨(Agnew C.3). Zoos are vital to injured or endangered animals. If the animals are injured, zoos have highly trained veterinarians to assist them. Also, zoos prove to be a safe environment in order to help rehabilitate animals, their health, their survival, and their safety (Agnew C.3). As zoos are in the animal´s best interest, they can also be beneficial the tourists that visit the zoos. Zoos provide several different educational courses and helpful interactions between humans and the animals. Through these different programs, tourists can retain environmental education and framework for …show more content…
For example, it is said that Hamerton Zoo has several Bengal tigers already, but they are looking to gain rare Malaysian tigers to keep in their exhibits as well. Even since Egyptian times, powerful and wealthy individuals held and showed off exotic animals. These rare and exotic animals are still being shown off today in zoos. People claim that zoos also help provide education to the tourists that visit them. However, with the technology that exists nowadays, there are easier and friendlier ways to learn about animals that observing them from behind bars. People interested in animals can watch documentaries of the animals in their natural environments rather than in a zoo (Myers). Lastly, with all of the zoos’ attention aimed towards humans, the animals can be neglected or unhappy. Some animals have specific needs that aren't fulfilled by zoos. Orca whales for example, are expected to perform in front of crowds when they are kept at SeaWorld. As a result, they can become extremely depressed or stressed (Glosser). Zoos are not beneficial for the animals because they revolve around human entertainment and education, rather than the animals that need the

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