Developing Goals
Goals are imperative for any organization, and there are benefits of setting goals. The goals set by organizations help employees know the direction the company is going, and how it plans to reach its destination. Plans should be developed prior to obtaining goals, however it helps focus toward the achievement of the goals. Goals and plans differ in that plans is just one element of goals, and the goal is the overall completion that companies want to accomplish. Organizational goals should align with the mission statement and strategies, also ensure the team understand and commit to the mission and vision of the company. To build a successful organization it is essential to have strategic and operational plans in place to achieve the organization goals.
Developing plans In terms of planning, goals and objectives are key components and consist of specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely (S.M.A.R.T) goals. Goals should be measurable, have substantial evidence when accomplished, therefore written, and clearly define. In addition, answering what, why, and how objectives would be achieved (Colorado State University-Global Campus, 2017). Employees need a clear …show more content…
Strategic plans provide routes for organization's objectives and define the actions needed to obtain a strategic finish, including decisions that can modify the direction of the company. Strategic planning view decision-making as a logical process, which the strategy is formulated and implemented by the organization. The strategic plans are long-term and usually stays in place until goals have been established (Barnat, (n.d.). In planning strategies, managers need to articulate and develop organizational structures, also implementing reward incentives to promote management to think strategically. A simple process for developing a strategic plan may