When we take our parents and relatives for granted we think that they will always be there to help us out and clean up the messes we make no matter what those messes are. In reality however, this is very far from the truth. We first need to be aware of the fact that our parents and relatives are responsible with their own life as everyone else in the world is. They may need to solve a problem in their own life before helping us with the problems that we are facing. This does not mean that they do not care about us, but in the end of the day everyone 's first responsibility is to take care of themselves. Blaming the use of cellphones for complications such as failing relationships, becoming depressed and the lack of ability to plan is somewhat ridiculous. I agree that the constant use of cellphones affect our actions and the way that we think but the personality of a subject is what causes break ups and depressions. I am not in any way saying that a persons cellphone usage is irrelevant to those complications. The use of cellphones play a part in failing relationships and depressions but the part cellphones play in those complications are very minimal compared to other …show more content…
Getting everything provided to us by our parents without having to work for the things we get is one of the major causes of becoming dependent to a person. We get so used to getting the things we want without any sort of effort that we become dependent to the people that take care of all our needs. Another kind of dependency that comes to mind is emotional dependency. When we develop a friendship we also start developing a dependency to the person that we see as a friend. When we get separated from that person we miss them and realize our dependency to that