Stop Googling Let's Talk By Professor Sherry Turkle

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Cell phones are used for many things all across the world, however they are very mind controlling and people don't realize how detrimental they can really be. Think back 20 years ago, when kids played outside until the street lights would come on and people actually took their time to engage in good conversations to form some type of human connection. We as people thrive on human connection and friendships. Sherry Turkle mentions in her article that “conversation is the most human and humanizing thing that we do”. This statement made me ponder what conversations and relationships would look like without the distraction of cellphones. In the future, I hope we open our eyes and hearts in depth to how cellphones affect your mental health and our …show more content…
In her most recent study she found that we feel less of a need to hide that are attention is divided when in engaged in a conversation and more than 82 percent of adults felt that using their phones in social setting affects the conversation. With that being said she thinks that “humans are fading away from empathic conversations today, but the trend line is clear, it's not only that we turn away from talking face to face online, its that we don't allow these conversations to happen in the first place because we keep our phones in the landscape.” Phones affect the conversation without even being on, if your cell phone is in your vision your mind strays away from deep conversations so if your phone was to go off it's not interrupting a serious present conversation. With all of this technology overuse conversation gets lighter and people tend to drop in and out of conversations with no hesitations. College students explained to Turkle that they know how to look somebody in the eye and text at the same time so they can be with their friends but also elsewhere as they

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