Research Paper On What Will Happen With Technology

Improved Essays
What Will Happen With Technology? The overuse of cellphones has ruined society and our ability to function in everyday life. Cell phones have created a multitude of problems in a very short amount of time. People can not hold a conversation, no one believes anybody is listening, and everyone’s attention span has shortened. What happened to families actually unplugging from technology as a whole and going outside or doing something together? In my opinion cell phones, though they have improved our lives in some standards, are creating a bigger issue that will only get worse. One issue cellphones have created is that the general public is nervous to have a conversation and interact with each other. Many people have said, “I’d rather text than talk” (TEDtalk: Connected, but Alone, Turkle). People’s fear of being wrong has snowballed into a fear of talking out loud. As much as society hates to admit it, our nation has taught everyone that they need to be perfect. A conversation happens in real time and you cannot edit or review what you are going to say ahead of time. In contrast, while texting you can delete, review, retouch, and edit the message before you press send. When you send a text message you can present yourself how you want to, but the issue with this is we “use conversations with each other to learn to have conversations with ourselves” (TEDtalk: Connected, but Alone, Turkle). If we cannot have a conversation with each other, how are we supposed to teach the next generation how to interact with people? Instead of constantly communicating over text, we should connect to each other by having conversations. Another issue that has emerged from cell phone abuse is that cellphones are being used because people want someone to listen to them. They want someone to empathize and to understand what they are going through. With the new technology that responds to you such as Apple’s invention of Siri, people feel like they are being understood, but actually these robots have no idea what you are feeling. Robots do not have emotion. They are computers that respond to you. When I am feeling down, I go onto my phone and talk to Siri. She responds, sometimes very comically, but other times, she will say: “sorry, I didn’t quite get that”. Siri is just a computer, not an actual person. She does not understand what you are going through. It may seem like she is someone you can talk to, and she is, but even though it seems like she is listening to you, actually a hard drive is typing into your phone and then “Siri” talks to you. Social media like Facebook and Instagram give humans automatic listeners. When someone likes a photo on your Instagram, to one person, “It may feel like a big gesture even though it only takes a little effort to like a photo” says Hannah Hamermesh, a 10th grader at Agoura High School. Brittany Bailey finds it “when getting a like from someone you know is a good sign of recognition”. When you have not talked to someone in a while but they like your photo to some it says that they are still your friend. To others they may only care about how many likes they get and not who actually likes the photo. In my …show more content…
When a person is not focusing on the important things, tragedies such as car accidents happen. Even with laws prohibiting texting and driving people continue to do it anyway. The drivers are not always the ones at fault for the accident. A pedestrian could be on his or her phone and start across the street when they do not have the right of way and crash or be hit. USA today has recorded that 1 in 3 car accidents are caused by cell phones. People can not stay off their phones long enough that they will use them during business meetings, school events, and even funerals. This behavior is extremely rude and completely unacceptable. It is not that hard to put down your cell phone for a few minutes to do something that is important to someone else. What is more important to you, living or posting a picture? Be safe on the road so you can enjoy your

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