When a person is not focusing on the important things, tragedies such as car accidents happen. Even with laws prohibiting texting and driving people continue to do it anyway. The drivers are not always the ones at fault for the accident. A pedestrian could be on his or her phone and start across the street when they do not have the right of way and crash or be hit. USA today has recorded that 1 in 3 car accidents are caused by cell phones. People can not stay off their phones long enough that they will use them during business meetings, school events, and even funerals. This behavior is extremely rude and completely unacceptable. It is not that hard to put down your cell phone for a few minutes to do something that is important to someone else. What is more important to you, living or posting a picture? Be safe on the road so you can enjoy your
When a person is not focusing on the important things, tragedies such as car accidents happen. Even with laws prohibiting texting and driving people continue to do it anyway. The drivers are not always the ones at fault for the accident. A pedestrian could be on his or her phone and start across the street when they do not have the right of way and crash or be hit. USA today has recorded that 1 in 3 car accidents are caused by cell phones. People can not stay off their phones long enough that they will use them during business meetings, school events, and even funerals. This behavior is extremely rude and completely unacceptable. It is not that hard to put down your cell phone for a few minutes to do something that is important to someone else. What is more important to you, living or posting a picture? Be safe on the road so you can enjoy your