Essay On Terrorism In America

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Vladimir Putin once said, “Terrorism has no nationality or religion.” However, many Americans feel otherwise. A countless amount believe terrorism is affiliated with certain religions, especially Islam, as well as Middle Eastern countries. Whenever an attack on the U.S. occurs, people are quick to accuse the Muslims. Most never question who actually is the real culprit. They are always fearing another attack and continuously on the lookout. Even the American government has put up their guard and are on high alert. The war on terror had a profound impact American history and future by creating fear in the hearts of the American people, also by spending a lot of money to try and stop terrorism and by causing a lot of death.
It was a great shock to people all over the nation when the planes crashed into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. It was the first time a multitude of people had ever seen a direct attack on the United States. This act of terror was planned by Osama Bin Laden and his terrorist group, Al-Qaeda. “Terrorism can be defined as the use of violence against civilians in order to achieve political goals,” (Woolf, pg.4). In this case,
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From people just sitting around and drinking coffee to going to work or school. Instead now people are fearful even when they are doing such simple, everyday activities. No one back then took terrorism as seriously as they do nowadays. It has affected the lives of everyone in this country and will continue to affect this nation until this war on terror stops. It influences people and every decision, even the small ones, they make everyday. They have to think before they act and have to decide what they can and can’t do. They have to carefully think about the people they are interacting with before building up relationships with them. Even the money they spend is a factor that is affected by the ongoing war on

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