Just Get A Divorce: Chris Clarke The Real Estate Guy

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The Billboard
The text is the billboard that reads “Don’t Get a Divorce… Just Get a Bigger House Chris Clarke the Real Estate Guy”. Also the billboard has the companies name on in REMAX, the phone number, website, and the CBS logo at the bottom. REMAX is a global real estate network that has been around for more than 40 years that show clients that this real estate agency knows what they’re doing. The billboard is on vinyl fabric and is written in red lettering, note, the color red has a psychological attraction to the brain because the color is warm and positive it gives off energizing emotions that lead people to take action. Since the color on the billboard is red it grabs the reader’s attention and it hooks them in to reading the entire billboard. Author The author of the billboard was more than likely Chris Clarke the real estate guy. Chris wanted to catch his audience attention by showing them a weird but funny phrase. He puts his picture on the billboard to show the people who it is they will be talking to giving them a face when they hear his name or remember the billboards tag line. It is assumed that he has studied and researched about divorce and came to the conclusion that most divorces are cause by limited space in the bedroom. Chris is offering the solution to struggling married couples for them to spend their money on a bigger house rather than spending it on divorce lawyers. Audience The billboards audience is attended for married couples whose marriages may be in jeopardy. Imagine a married couple driving down the highway, they’ve been married for 25 years and have two children. The couple’s marriage is shaky at best and they have both in their own minds contemplated the idea of getting a divorce but have shied away from it for their children’s shake. The wife is in the passenger seat she is annoyed at her husband because he forgot to pay some bills and she hates that all he does is sit around the house and watch football. She looks up
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It does this by giving readers the phone number to Chris Clarke also his real estate agencies website. Chris wants to say that he saved a marriage by showing them big houses and havening couples problems disappear for buying those house. In addition the billboard has the CBS logo on it implying that if a person were to watch a show on CBS that person might come across a Chris Clarke commercial. Conjointly with the commercial CBS is a major network with shows that air on primetime, this gives a perfect opportunity for Chris to show aforementioned commercial. The phone number is for a more personal conversation, while the website is for getting to know the relater before they call Chris. At home the wife mentions to her husband that they should get a bigger home upon hearing this the husband is flabbergasted at that thought. This starts an intense argument amongst them the wife almost utters out that she wants a divorce when they both see their children at the door with concerning faces at that moment the couple knew that for their kids they would not get a divorce and instead would call Chris Clarke the real estate

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