Elementary Teacher Career Research Paper

Superior Essays
There are many career fields that involve children, but I always like the thought of becoming a teacher for younger students. Children have bigger imagination than adults do. They always get fascinated about anything new that they’ve learned. An elementary school teacher is someone who instructs children from grades first to fourth. I want to become someone who will teach younger students things that they begin to learn at that age. What I would like my reader to know about my career is that teacher who is passionate about their job help students to achieve higher. In this research, I will cover the history of teaching, requirements to obtain the career, and what being an elementary school teacher is all about.
History and Background of the
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Majority of their time are dedicated in the classroom preparing for class activities. Commonly, elementary school teacher developed a lesson plan that teach students in a specialized subject such as mathematics, science, social studies, or reading. Additionally, teacher evaluates student’s knowledge of the material that they’ve learned. Elementary teacher use score on homework assignments, quizzes, and tests to determine student’s progress. They also observe behavior in addition to the student’s progress. Elementary school teacher are responsible in creating a productive learning environment for all children in the classroom. They discipline badly behaved students and praised those who perform well in the classroom. On top of that, elementary teacher also meets with parents to discuss a student’s progress in the classroom. They also regularly attend conferences and workshops to keep their skills updated and learning new teaching techniques throughout the school year. Teacher work environment usually involves being in public and private schools. They normally work six to eight school hours when students are present and use night and weekends to grade papers and prepare lesson plans. Even with the extra hours required outside of work, teacher work less than a typical professional. In addition, teacher do not not during the summer, in addition to Thanksgiving, winter, and spring break. Even though,the pay is not six figures, teacher …show more content…
Every other profession started out at school, where teacher are present to strengthen their skills and knowledge that lead to their dream job. I wanted to become a teacher because I want a chance to make a positive difference in the future of young children. For me, I think teaching is a rewarding job because you get to be an inspiration and a role model in young children’s lives and help guide them to make the right choices in

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