According to the Nursing Shortage Fact Sheet, there is expected to be a growing shortage of registered nurses between 2009 and 2030. The reason for the national shortage is due to Baby Boomers aging and the growing need for healthcare, as well as many nursing schools having difficulty expanding capacity. In a free market, I would predict more competitive job offerings being presented to nurses, including more benefits and higher wages. The reason I predict this is because, since there is a shortage, employers will have to offer incentives such as these in order to look attractive to potential workers and therefore fill the newly available…
Nursing Shortage Nursing shortage is beginning to rise as a result of baby boomers retiring, the acuity of patient care admitted to the hospital, and nurses changing their profession as the result of being burnt out. The idea of nursing shortage in the clinical setting, can be associated with the risk of poor quality care rendered to the patient. As the quality of care rendered to the patient declines, the patient becomes at risk for hospital acquired pneumonia, decubitus, and urinary tract infection. Also, the nursing staff will be paid for overtimes and as a result this can affect the budget established by the organization. Insurance companies will not pay for hospital acquired pneumonia, decubitus and urinary tract infection.…
A cohort of nurses entered the profession in the 1970s have aged into their 60s and are getting ready to retire, McMenamin says. So between now and 2022, not only will there be an expected half-million nursing jobs from growing demand — but also another half-million nurses will retire and need to be replaced. (Ramach) The demand for nurses are…
Thus, the news of the nursing shortage is often heard and can be seen in the news media. As a nurse back home and a nursing student in Canada, I have been reading, hearing, and experiencing the shortage of nurses in the health care setting. From the past to present, the nursing shortage is discussed as the issue of healthcare globally and nationally. Various factors are associated with the shortage of nurses in the country. I will argue that the international/local migration of nurses, increased number of the population and health care demands, as well as the lack of adequate Registered Nurse (RN) positions, are factors that have contributed to the nursing shortage.…
Over the past several years, the demand for nursing staff has increased tremendously. In fact, the nursing shortage in the United States is anticipated to grow to 260,000 by 2025. (Buerhas, Auerbach, & Staiger, 2009). This foreseen shortage in nurses builds off of the knowledge that the average age of nurses is increasing, whilst the demand for nurses increases. More nurses are retiring or are close to retirement and an equal amount of nurses are not being recruited to organizations to take over the jobs of nurses that have left.…
Despite that fact one interviewee stated “we always need more nurses”. (Amber Web, RN, NS, Personal Interview, March,23,2016) I feel this contradicts because there is not much support in this kind of field, in which will, motivate the underachieved. I agree with Nursing Education…
The Affordable Care Act's Senior Care Benefits: Nursing Home Transparency One of a biggest Disorders from the American healthcare industry is usually called opacity. Healthcare markets are usually opaque, meaning which the average recipient involving healthcare possesses zero approach to quickly gather information Around the healthcare products and services displayed for you to them. there is precious little pricing information, few unbiased reviewers, AND almost simply no ability in order to 'preview' what care is actually similar to in a supplied facility. Nowhere is usually the actual problem additional prominent in comparison with in nursing facilities, which were notorious intended for obtaining almost no useful specifics displayed for you to prospective residents. ' Were' may be the operative word;…
Introduction Trying to find a theory that can be used and have been used to help with such great problem such as nurse shortage was a challenge. After studying and reading many of the theorist models, Jean Watson nursing model stood out the most. The nurse literature reveals when supporting nurse staffing, it can warrant a quality of care from the nurses for their patients (Douglas, K. 2011). This task for the hospital administrator all the way down to the nurse manager, has come a great challenge and difficult task to achieve.…
The nursing shortage is a crisis that has been rumored for years. Unfortunately, there are many truths to this rumor and every nurse has been affected by this shortage at some point in their career. Just in recent decades, the economy had led to the nursing shortage. The nursing shortage needs nursing programs and hospital programs to augment and graduate competent registered nurses that can step into the registered nurse role. All nurses need to join and support the American Nurses Association and other nursing groups so that those groups can go in front of our Legislatures, and get Bills passed to mandate overtime so that nurses are not exhausted and can give competent patient care.…
Even though each nursing shortage is unique, their reasons for why they occurred and the strategies used to address them are strikingly similar (Whelan,…
Nurses in the United States currently comprise the largest number of health care professionals (ANA, 2016). The last nursing shortage occurred in the early 2000s. The recession of 2007 brought the profession out of shortage due to many part time and stay at home moms returning to full time employment. The Nursing shortage is expected to come back due to nurses returning to pre-recession work levels, retirements, insufficient people going into nursing, and fewer nurses specializing in certain areas (Snavely, 2016).…
Nursing Practice Issue Inadequate staffing can be the downfall for any organization and when inadequate staffing effects the healthcare field, the ramifications can affect patients and the nurses caring for them with negative ramifications. Nurses face dilemmas such as patient safety, patient satisfaction, nurse burnout, as well as a decrease in job satisfaction. These dilemmas can be attributed to inadequate staffing of facilities.…
“You’ve likely heard about the “nursing shortage” for years now, and perhaps you think it’s been resolved. However, registered nurses are near the top of the list when it comes to employment growth “ (Nursing Shortage). A good thing about nursing is if someone gets in a job and they decide they do not like the job they have that there are so many different job that they can go into. People can decide if they want to work with babies or elderly people. There are millions of jobs that a nurse can do.…
A nurse shortage is defined in relation to the current unmet demands for present nurses and student nurses. Nursing shortages are becoming a concern worldwide. The causes for this shortage are complex, some of which include, an aging workforce, a population of the baby boomers, new better paying jobs in technology, and job distress. The demand for nurses is directly related to the demand for healthcare services. Our aging population is rapidly increasing, thus causing a demand for healthcare services and nurses.…
Even if there are currently more students interested in the nursing field, the nursing shortages will continue to exist. Timothy Snavely states, ““Equally as alarming as the decreasing supply of nurses is the expected increase in demand for them. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (2013) Employment Projections 2012-2022, registered nursing is one of the occupations with the highest projected job growth rate over the next decade. Furthermore, by 2022, 1.05 million new job openings for nurses are projected due to growth and replacement needs (qtd by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013). This factual report proposes that even with time, nurse shortages will always be present no matter the circumstances.…