Teen Driving: Is It Safe For Teenagers?

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Most teens are always looking for some form of freedom in their lives. In my opinion, teen driving is another way for teens to get a little more freedom and also show some responsibility, gain more trust from their parents and learn to become independent young adults. The advantage of teen driving would be that teens are able to drive themselves to and from school, work, practice or any other social events they may have. It also takes the stress off their parents by taking younger siblings to and from events, or by running any errands for their family.. Teen driving can be used in so many useful ways.
However, many people believe teen driving to be a safety hazard. Adult drivers and many parents are concerned about putting teens behind the wheel. In the article, “Teen Drivers”, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety states, “Crashes are the leading cause of death among American teens, accounting for more than one third of all deaths of sixteen- to eighteen-year-olds.” Some are worried about young drivers attention span. Can teens drive with multiple teens in the car or are
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The article, “Teen Drivers”, states that there is a system called the Graduated License for new drivers to go through that consists of three stages. In the first stage, which may last six months, the new driver can usually drive only with a licensed driver in the car. In the second stage, the new driver can drive alone, but there are limits on how late one can drive and the number of teens allowed in the car. If the driver remains accident-free for twelve months and logs a minimum number of hours, they reach the third stage. This permits unlimited driving with no restrictions. Many teen drivers find that these limits penalize those who are safe drivers but, in reality, this will actually help more teens to become safer

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