She said when Tabatha saw her Kindus’s mother she got very upset due to her filling papers for her to be committed due to her behavior. The reporter mentioned that Sheriff Deputies from Leflore County came out to get Tabatha to take her to be treated. However, she said they were unable to get her due to Kaden holding on to her and not letting her go until his father held him back. The reporter said Tabatha was having a screaming match with her ex-mother in-law in front of the child, and she said Kaden was crying due to what was going on. She also said Tabatha then got in her car and drove off and was chased by one of the Deputies, and she said she was told that both Tabatha and the Deputy had a wreck somewhere in Carrol County. The reporter also mentioned that Kaden is now with his father but she is unsure where his mother is at this time. She mentioned that Kindus and Tabatha share custody of the child. It is unknown if Tabatha has ever harmed the child before. However, the reporter said Kaden is not afraid of his mother due to her behavior she said the child loves his mother a
She said when Tabatha saw her Kindus’s mother she got very upset due to her filling papers for her to be committed due to her behavior. The reporter mentioned that Sheriff Deputies from Leflore County came out to get Tabatha to take her to be treated. However, she said they were unable to get her due to Kaden holding on to her and not letting her go until his father held him back. The reporter said Tabatha was having a screaming match with her ex-mother in-law in front of the child, and she said Kaden was crying due to what was going on. She also said Tabatha then got in her car and drove off and was chased by one of the Deputies, and she said she was told that both Tabatha and the Deputy had a wreck somewhere in Carrol County. The reporter also mentioned that Kaden is now with his father but she is unsure where his mother is at this time. She mentioned that Kindus and Tabatha share custody of the child. It is unknown if Tabatha has ever harmed the child before. However, the reporter said Kaden is not afraid of his mother due to her behavior she said the child loves his mother a