Synthesis Essay On Technology In Schools

Decent Essays
Schools now are finding it hard to teach students or even get them to focus on something for five minutes. To help further education, a lot of schools have began using technologies to help students focus and as a gateway to information. This is a great idea because of how much technology this generation uses, so at least this way you have their attention grabbed. Bur before purchasing any form of technology, schools should consider some factors that come with this decision. Technology is a very powerful tool, but a tool is only as powerful or useful as it’s wielder. Technology is a gateway to an abundant amount of information that could help in school, but schools must consider whether it could be a contributor to ignorance. With technology and an internet connection students can gather information from all over, but with all this tech, do students even need to do things the old fashion way like read a book? Gelernter, David, the author of source E, talks about how “too many high school students have never read a Mark Twain novel...or even know what a symphony is”. Children and high school students have a hard time focusing as it is, and when technology that isn’t their phones is added there is no …show more content…
Providing iPads or iBooks isn’t something every school can do, it cost money that some schools may not have. Though if you do have the money to afford laptops and computers for the school, then you might want to take that risk. There are cons to giving students a laptop or a computer, though some “school officials believe the electronic materials will get students more engaged in learning” according to source A. This is probably true because this a generation that grew up with technology. It may cost a lot, but if buying the technology helps students focus more, then by all means it's a risk worth

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