Synthesis Essay On Capital Punishment

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Man’s thirst for vengeance is what drives America ever closer to insanity. Closer to madness, unscrupulousness, and corruption. If our demons are not satisfied with the completion of a certain task, they will haunt us, nagging at our soul, screaming so loudly that their voices drown out our senses of logic and rationality. They will reap at one’s conscience; shredding the papers that we humans call our lives. This is the scope of capital punishment -- the punishment itself is not the cause for this absurdity, but rather the reprisal that someone orders on another, which brings an impression of “fulfillment” to the victim’s family. But if we rid America of this expensive, ineffective punishment, we will be taking steps towards ridding Earth …show more content…
It does not act as a deterrent, and it does not raise crime levels. Rather, crime remains stagnant. In a recent survey, 88% of criminologists say that the death penalty does not work as a deterrent ( The reason that the death penalty is not effective is because the thought of being caught does not cross the criminal’s mind as they commit the crimes. No one who has been on death row has ever thought that they would end up going there. The punishment would be great if whoever committed the variety of wrongdoings ever thought that they would get caught. But since they figure that they will get away with it, why would they worry about getting a lethal injection or electric …show more content…
Where does the hostility and ignorance stop once it begins? Murder is highly frowned upon by society, yet people succeed in pacifying themselves by killing criminals in cold blood. Is that not considered murder? Sentencing a criminal to death does not solve the issues and problems that are left behind. Parents will still cry for a child that is never coming home. Mourning families will still carry an everlasting heartache, and the criminal no longer has to pay for the consequences of their actions. In the end, the only people with expenses left to pay are taxpayers. According to The International Debate Education Association (IDEA), “Capital punishment costs more than life without parole.” Studies in the US show that capital cases, varying from arrest to execution, cost between one million and four million dollars because of the never-ending succession of appeals. This is way too significant an amount of money for such an insignificant punishment. The price of life may be high, but the price of death is even

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